The goal of Reverence Bible Church is to bring together a family of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, where we can learn about God's Word and minister to each other as a church family. We are committed to letting the Word of Christ richly dwell within us through God-centered worship. We are committed to the Biblical instruction of our children.
In addition, we desire to reach out to those who do not know the Gospel, to bring them to a knowledge of the grace and forgiveness offered by God through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God.
To Glorify Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
We believe passionately in the centrality of our Lord Jesus Christ in the life of the individual believer and in the church. Therefore, we seek to glorify Him in our lives, through the following activities:
The focus of each worship service is to behold the glory of God through in-depth Bible study. We believe God's inerrant Word to be the sole source of truth concerning the character of God, the nature of man, the gift of salvation, and the hope of eternity in heaven. Jesus Christ is glorified through the proclamation and study of His Word!
The purpose of our praise and worship is to glorify God by ascribing to Him supreme worth—for He alone is supremely worthy of all praise, all glory and all honor. When we behold our God, as He reveals Himself to us in the pages of Scripture, we respond joyfully with reverence and awe. Jesus Christ is glorified as His people joyfully worship!
Evangelism and Missions aim to display the supreme worth and glory of Christ to the nations. There are countless people in our local area and throughout the world who do not see God as worthy of all glory and all honor. Our passion is to magnify Christ as we preach salvation through the sinless life of Jesus Christ and His substitutionary atonement on the cross. Christ is glorified through the preaching of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Christ is glorified when His people use the gifts He has given each believer for the building up of one another. We believe intimate Christian fellowship is essential for any church to function properly. As Christ builds Reverence Bible Church, we pray that He would glorify Himself as we gather frequently for sweet and profitable fellowship!
Once again, everything we do at Reverence Bible Church aims to glorify our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! We welcome you to join us in this joyous endeavor of glorifying God in a Christ-Centered and Bible-Driven church that is passionate about responding to the glory of God with reverence and awe!
Reverence Office: 949-21-JESUS (53787)
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