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Women's Ministry

"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up."
—Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NKJV)

The above verses highlight the distinct focus of Women’s Ministry. Our desire is to bring women into God-honoring community. God’s design for His church body is life that flows from our relationship with Him. While women can find opportunities for corporate teaching, worship, and prayer at other church events, Women’s Ministry naturally promotes deeper relationships because of meaningful woman-to-woman interaction. Opportunities are provided that enable women to flourish in the use of their gifts for the edification of the body, and to deepen their knowledge of God’s character and power, encouraging them to pursue more intimate communion with our Savior, and essential fellowship with one another.

Bible Study:
Our Bible studies are designed to dig into God’s Word to learn about His character (righteousness, justice, faithfulness, love, compassion, etc.), His power (all-knowing, all-powerful, eternal, etc.), and His relationship with us. Our goal is to connect these truths to daily living.
We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month in the sanctuary at 10am and 6:30pm.

Monthly Prayer:
One way we promote deeper relationships between our women is spending time praying for one another. This happens during Bible study, and we also have a team dedicated to praying for the women, and the body as a whole on a regular basis.

Christmas Event:
It easy to become consumed in the hectic pace of the season and lose sight of what we are celebrating. This event helps us realign our priorities and focus to the One who is the Source of the season. We usually welcome a guest speaker and enjoy a delicious lunch to wrap up the event.

Annual Retreat:
Whether on our campus in Mission Viejo or traveling to a nearby retreat center, this event is always worth the investment. Taking a few days to step away from our everyday lives to focus on digging into a biblical topic and deepening our relationships with sisters at Reverence. Not to be missed!

Summer Series:
During the summer months (June - August), we host fellowship opportunities to stay involved and up to date in each other’s lives. We have titled them Meet & Minister (M&M), and Fun & Fellowship (F&F). At Meet & Minister gatherings, we complete projects to minister to our church and community, where our Fun & Fellowship gatherings provide opportunity to enjoy fun activities with your sisters in Christ.

Annual Tea:
Our tea is a sweet opportunity for ladies to enjoy a morning of yummy treats, tea, and teaching from God’s Word.  Women in our church host tables, bring a dish to share, and invite friends, family, and co-workers to enjoy a morning being edified body and soul!

For more information, feel free to email: